

Gagetown Map

So we were driving around in the middle of the thumb and came across this sign.

Normally the procedure is to
a) See the sign
b) Take a picture of the sign
c) Start looking for the next sign

But when we saw this one we just knew we had to learn more and actually visit the barn. So we did. We paid $5 and got a tour.

It was built in 1924 by local businessman James Purdy (who later was instrumental in forming the FDIC and ran one of only 2 banks that remained solvent during the great depression). Purdy hired hired local builders George and John Munro to construct the barn. Purdy was inspired to build the unique barn when he saw similar barns in Iowa. Purdy sold his farm in 1942. It went through several owners until the last private owner lost it in foreclosure proceedings in 1990.

The DNR bought the land and local residents worked to restore the barn and get it listed as a historical landmark.

Some other kinda’ related stuff:
Thumb Octagon Barn

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