

Hamtramck, or as my old boss Bob “Wojo” Wojenowski called it Hamsandwich, was once the Polish center of Michigan.

It’s practically surrounded by the city of Detroit.

When I was in college I worked for an Anheuser-Busch distributor. We would go to these festivals in Hamtramck and schlepp kegs of beer through schools in bars or in the refrigerated semis.

In my opinion, the best festival to work at was the St. Florian Strawberry Fest. The work was hard, moving kegs around the school to different poker rooms and beer tents but when you were hungry we could go to the kitchen.

In the kitchen were several women that looked like, sounded like and cooked like my grandma.

They also dispensed food like her, heaping piles of city chicken, mashed potatoes and kielbasa on your plate. It was awesome.

Some other kinda’ related stuff:
St. Florian Strawberry Festival

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